IGA is proud to partner with GIVIT to help support those affected by the recent floods in Townsville. IGA will be supplying$100,000 in IGA shopping vouchers to families in affected areas, including rural and remote areas whose plight has not been publicised, to help them through this difficult period.
GIVIT is a national not-for-profit connecting those who have with those who need, in a private and safe way. GIVIT supports all agencies, services and charities in Australia who work directly with impoverished, marginalised and vulnerable people. GIVIT makes it easier for organisations to empower their clients and improve quality of life by obtaining the items they require through the website, at no cost. The unique virtual warehouse eliminates the need for organisations to store, sort and dispose of unwanted items, saving valuable time and resources.
Frank Spanos, Queensland and Northern NSW Retail Chair for IGA Supermarkets said, “North Queensland is the food hub of our state and a vital part of our economy. Any issues there impact the rest of the state so it is important, particularly during such difficult times that we that we support the people who provide so much for us. We hope that these IGA Gift Cards help take a little bit of stress around putting food on the table, so that people can concentrate on cleaning up their homes and getting back on their feet.”
1st February 2019
IGA Donates $100,000 to Flood Affected Queenslanders
Speaking on the announcement of the donation, GIVIT Founder and CEO Juliette Wright added, “Flooding caused by this unprecedented weather event has caused devastation and heartache across large areas of Queensland so we are incredibly thankful to IGA for this generous donation of $100,000 in gift vouchers.”
“This will allow flood-affected residents to buy what they urgently need to support their recovery. Residents will be able to buy cleaning products, replace items in their pantry, and help kids get back to school. This donation will have a massive impact for individuals and families who have lost everything. One hundred per cent of donations to GIVIT are used to purchase items that have been requested by our charity partners and recovery services supporting affected residents. Items are flowing from GIVIT with 8391 items already distributed to those in need.”
“Giving back to our local communities is something that IGA retailers across the country do on a daily basis, but it is even more important in times of crisis like we are experiencing now. Having experienced first-hand the devastating impact of these floods in my own home and witnessing how many locals are doing it tough, we just knew we had to do something,” said Armi Bhela, Domain Central IGA Townsville owner.
To donate or view the items needed in flood-affected areas go to givit.org.au/qldfloods If you are a local charity or frontline service wanting to access donated goods and services, please register at givit.org.au/charity-registration