At home yoga for kids

Yoga is an excellent activity for kids, to help improve balance, strength and endurance. But it’s not only the physical benefits that make it so great, it can also help to improve focus and memory, reduce stress and increase self-esteem.

It might feel daunting if this isn’t something you and your family have tried before. So we’ve partnered with The Karma Class, to bring you a special yoga class that your kids can follow at home, plus some simple tips on how you can create a special place for the whole family to practise yoga.

With all the stresses we’ve endured over the last couple of years, it might be helpful to bring some balance back to your worlds, as kids return back to school, and perhaps you are returning back to work.

To start off, here are some tips to create a dedicated yoga space in your home for you and your children.

  • Invite your child to participate in creating the space.
  • You don’t need a huge amount of space. De-clutter the area of toys and potentially dangerous or precious objects. Move furniture if you need to.
  • Remove any distractions – you want to create a ‘sacred and special’ space so that when you step onto the mat the focus is on the class, your breath and body.
  • Ideally, each person practicing should have their own mat (you can use a large blanket or beach towel if you don’t have a mat, but ensure it’s soft and comfortable!) and anyone not practicing needs to stay out of the room – no matter how much you love them!
  • Create a calming atmosphere. Light a candle (a safe distance away) or place some flowers where their beauty can be seen and enjoyed. Invite your child to make suggestions and to add something that is special to them, like a precious rock or even their favourite teddy.
  • When the class is over, you can roll up your mats and return the space to what it was if you need to.

Now you’re ready to join JJ from The Karma Class, as she takes you on an adventure into your magical breath and powerful body. This 20 minute yoga class is designed for kids aged 3 – 7 years old, to do in the comfort of their own homes.

The Karma Class is passionate about bringing health and wellbeing tools – based on yoga, breath and mindfulness – into the lives of our youth, in an attempt to stem the growing tide of mental health challenges. The Karma Class deliver weekly kids yoga classes to pre and primary schools, and a Professional Development workshop A Karma Classroom, for early childhood and primary school teachers, which is designed for them to easily weave yoga, breath and mindfulness into their classrooms every day.

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