Spring inspired: mind

While winter introversion can be insightful and nourishing, if we isolate too long it can also start to bring us down. Fortunately, winter only lasts a few months!

But, sometimes winter weariness can linger inside even when outside it’s sunny and the flowers are blooming. Healthy habits of the mind, as we all know, are just as important as healthy habits for diet and exercise.

Supporting our mental transition into spring and new growth in our life is an important part of our healthy living routines. Spring time is ideal for new growth of all things in nature, and that includes new perspectives, learning, relationships, career roles and creative endeavours.

Just like we nurture new seedlings in our garden this time of year, we can also nurture new mindsets, ideas and experiences. Below you’ll find simple ways to uplift your spirits and align your mind with spring.

Set Intentions

Spring is about renewal and we can capitalise on this energy by setting some clear intentions. It’s also about feeling lighter, playful and trying new things, so don’t be too strict in goal setting, focus more on inspiring intentions.

Socialise and Connect

Winter is a time to introvert and hibernate, spring is a time to come out of the cave and connect. Winter can be a time of emotional or creative steeping that come spring we’re ready to share with the world. Connect more with friends and loved ones to support and nurture this transition into extroversion. Play! Have Fun! Explore!

Get Up Earlier

It’s a perfect time of year to get up earlier along with the sun and dedicate yourself to more invigorating mornings to burn through winter weight and prevent the onset of seasonal illness by stimulating immunity (see previous module).

Try Something New

Doing one small new thing in your life can give you a new perspective on everything — be playful, try something new, let your wild side out, adventure and be expressive!

Wear Colourful Clothes

Colour effects our moods and our clothes can become a a simply daily way to uplift and balance our mind. Dress in bright, warming colours like reds, yellows, and oranges in the early spring while the weather remains cool and wet. As the weather heats up, gradually shift toward cooling blues, greens, purples, and whites.

Get Outside More, Smell the Flowers

There is no better balm for the soul and inspiration for the spirit than the beauty of Nature, and no better time to appreciate it than spring. Go on, get out there!

Healthy Habits in Action

1. If you’ve felt isolated and need some coaxing out, make the effort to set coffee catch ups or kids play dates in the park.
2. Learn something new, no matter how big or small, to stimulate your mind in a new way.
3. Journal about new intentions and visions for what new growth you want to nurture in your life.

Include the kids

Take the kids on nature or park walks and play a game of who can spot new flowers or leaves. Ask the kids of there’s something new and exciting they’d like to try or learn.

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